CMBC Fintech Problem

CMBC Fintech Problem 1-1
In [1]:
# Do some imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from IPython.display import display
import datetime

import sys
from plots import SetFont # helps us fix some font problem for displaying Chinese characters
D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ UserWarning:
This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the backend has already
been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot,
or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time.

In [64]:
excelsheet_X_train = "./data/X序列_train.xls"
excelsheet_y_train =  "./data/Y序列_train.xls"

# Training data
X_train_original = pd.read_excel(excelsheet_X_train, "Sheet1", skiprows=[1])
y1_train = pd.read_excel(excelsheet_y_train, "Y1", header=None)
y2_train = pd.read_excel(excelsheet_y_train, "Y2", header=None)
y3_train = pd.read_excel(excelsheet_y_train, "Y3", header=None)

# Test data
excelsheet_X_train = "./data/X序列_test.xls"
X_test_original = pd.read_excel(excelsheet_X_train, "Sheet1", skiprows=[1])
In [62]:
GDP:实际同比增长:全球 美国:GDP:现价:环比折年率:季调 欧元区:GDP平减指数:季调 全球商品贸易量增长率:出口金额:全球 工业增加值:当月同比 工业增加值:累计同比 固定资产投资完成额:累计同比 房地产开发投资完成额:累计同比 产量:发电量:当月同比 产量:发电量:累计同比 ... 市净率:中证200 滚动市盈率(TTM):沪深两市 滚动市盈率(TTM):深圳市场 滚动市盈率(TTM):深市主板 滚动市盈率(TTM):中小板 滚动市盈率(TTM):创业板 中债总指数 中债国债总指数 中债金融债券总指数 中债信用债总指数
count 36.000000 275.000000 84.000000 20.000000 312.000000 210.000000 261.000000 187.000000 251.000000 311.000000 ... 3273.000000 1136.000000 1136.000000 1136.000000 1136.000000 1136.000000 3502.000000 3502.000000 3502.000000 2248.000000
mean 3.517139 6.588000 92.173143 5.100000 12.758590 12.716571 24.687356 24.162567 8.636828 9.025223 ... 3.223309 15.913327 29.539789 21.149058 35.858248 54.809419 125.261976 124.936082 126.800902 119.904897
std 1.248717 4.746882 9.065830 5.374403 5.479889 4.431903 11.468376 9.269454 6.915276 5.479765 ... 1.335584 4.276788 9.118093 4.954066 11.299075 22.798515 17.983413 18.305711 17.451678 15.502401
min 0.013000 -7.700000 77.300000 -12.000000 -21.100000 -2.930000 5.500000 1.000000 -13.700000 -11.800000 ... 1.601100 11.690000 18.970000 15.720000 21.770000 27.090000 99.771300 97.860100 99.338200 97.377500
25% 2.719000 4.200000 83.047000 2.875000 9.200000 9.400000 17.300000 19.600000 4.800000 5.560000 ... 2.196900 13.020000 24.080000 17.840000 28.280000 37.607500 109.332775 108.730825 111.480550 109.335050
50% 3.497500 6.100000 92.497500 5.250000 12.650000 11.650000 24.500000 24.300000 8.310000 9.040000 ... 2.972400 14.165000 25.955000 19.370000 31.990000 49.020000 127.947800 127.369550 128.846600 115.906500
75% 4.188750 8.850000 100.235500 8.625000 16.100000 16.475000 29.500000 31.200000 13.500000 12.600000 ... 3.697400 17.930000 31.087500 23.792500 37.962500 61.940000 139.943875 140.425800 140.846175 130.304275
max 5.673000 26.800000 106.491000 14.000000 29.400000 29.200000 65.500000 57.100000 36.462500 36.462500 ... 8.098700 33.100000 68.350000 42.050000 84.110000 147.060000 167.752800 167.477800 169.529000 154.893300

8 rows × 44 columns

In [3]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 7764 entries, 0 to 7763
Data columns (total 45 columns):
指标名称                  7764 non-null datetime64[ns]
GDP:实际同比增长:全球         36 non-null float64
美国:GDP:现价:环比折年率:季调    275 non-null float64
欧元区:GDP平减指数:季调        84 non-null float64
全球商品贸易量增长率:出口金额:全球    20 non-null float64
工业增加值:当月同比            312 non-null float64
工业增加值:累计同比            210 non-null float64
固定资产投资完成额:累计同比        261 non-null float64
房地产开发投资完成额:累计同比       187 non-null float64
产量:发电量:当月同比           251 non-null float64
产量:发电量:累计同比           311 non-null float64
M0:同比                 257 non-null float64
M1:同比                 250 non-null float64
M2:同比                 250 non-null float64
中债国债到期收益率:3个月         3494 non-null float64
中债国债到期收益率:1个月         3493 non-null float64
中债国债到期收益率:1年          3494 non-null float64
中债国债到期收益率:5年          3494 non-null float64
中债国债到期收益率:10年         3494 non-null float64
CPI:当月同比              312 non-null float64
PPI:全部工业品:当月同比        231 non-null float64
PPI:全部工业品:累计同比        156 non-null float64
RPI:当月同比              396 non-null float64
RPI:累计同比              168 non-null float64
上证综合指数                6125 non-null float64
沪深300指数               3392 non-null float64
上证50指数                2914 non-null float64
中证500指数               2671 non-null float64
恒生AH股溢价指数             2536 non-null float64
国泰君安个人投资者投资景气指数       88 non-null float64
市盈率:沪深300             1068 non-null float64
市盈率:中证100             1068 non-null float64
市盈率:中证200             1068 non-null float64
市净率:沪深300             3920 non-null float64
市净率:中证100             3649 non-null float64
市净率:中证200             3273 non-null float64
滚动市盈率(TTM):沪深两市       1136 non-null float64
滚动市盈率(TTM):深圳市场       1136 non-null float64
滚动市盈率(TTM):深市主板       1136 non-null float64
滚动市盈率(TTM):中小板        1136 non-null float64
滚动市盈率(TTM):创业板        1136 non-null float64
中债总指数                 3502 non-null float64
中债国债总指数               3502 non-null float64
中债金融债券总指数             3502 non-null float64
中债信用债总指数              2248 non-null float64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(44)
memory usage: 2.7 MB
In [22]:

# not the same size. Need to split the data
(7764, 45)
(3392, 2)
In [5]:
Index(['指标名称', 'GDP:实际同比增长:全球', '美国:GDP:现价:环比折年率:季调', '欧元区:GDP平减指数:季调',
       '全球商品贸易量增长率:出口金额:全球', '工业增加值:当月同比', '工业增加值:累计同比', '固定资产投资完成额:累计同比',
       '房地产开发投资完成额:累计同比', '产量:发电量:当月同比', '产量:发电量:累计同比', 'M0:同比', 'M1:同比',
       'M2:同比', '中债国债到期收益率:3个月', '中债国债到期收益率:1个月', '中债国债到期收益率:1年',
       '中债国债到期收益率:5年', '中债国债到期收益率:10年', 'CPI:当月同比', 'PPI:全部工业品:当月同比',
       'PPI:全部工业品:累计同比', 'RPI:当月同比', 'RPI:累计同比', '上证综合指数', '沪深300指数', '上证50指数',
       '中证500指数', '恒生AH股溢价指数', '国泰君安个人投资者投资景气指数', '市盈率:沪深300', '市盈率:中证100',
       '市盈率:中证200', '市净率:沪深300', '市净率:中证100', '市净率:中证200', '滚动市盈率(TTM):沪深两市',
       '滚动市盈率(TTM):深圳市场', '滚动市盈率(TTM):深市主板', '滚动市盈率(TTM):中小板',
       '滚动市盈率(TTM):创业板', '中债总指数', '中债国债总指数', '中债金融债券总指数', '中债信用债总指数'],
In [6]:
指标名称 GDP:实际同比增长:全球 美国:GDP:现价:环比折年率:季调 欧元区:GDP平减指数:季调 全球商品贸易量增长率:出口金额:全球 工业增加值:当月同比 工业增加值:累计同比 固定资产投资完成额:累计同比 房地产开发投资完成额:累计同比 产量:发电量:当月同比 ... 市净率:中证200 滚动市盈率(TTM):沪深两市 滚动市盈率(TTM):深圳市场 滚动市盈率(TTM):深市主板 滚动市盈率(TTM):中小板 滚动市盈率(TTM):创业板 中债总指数 中债国债总指数 中债金融债券总指数 中债信用债总指数
0 1947-06-30 NaN 5.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1947-09-30 NaN 6.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 1947-12-31 NaN 17.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1948-03-31 NaN 9.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1948-06-30 NaN 10.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 45 columns

指标名称 GDP:实际同比增长:全球 美国:GDP:现价:环比折年率:季调 欧元区:GDP平减指数:季调 全球商品贸易量增长率:出口金额:全球 工业增加值:当月同比 工业增加值:累计同比 固定资产投资完成额:累计同比 房地产开发投资完成额:累计同比 产量:发电量:当月同比 ... 市净率:中证200 滚动市盈率(TTM):沪深两市 滚动市盈率(TTM):深圳市场 滚动市盈率(TTM):深市主板 滚动市盈率(TTM):中小板 滚动市盈率(TTM):创业板 中债总指数 中债国债总指数 中债金融债券总指数 中债信用债总指数
7759 2015-12-27 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 3.0719 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7760 2015-12-28 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 2.9855 22.75 44.89 26.14 54.99 91.62 167.7263 167.4778 169.4162 154.7450
7761 2015-12-29 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 3.0084 23.08 45.99 26.45 57.46 92.36 167.7528 167.4174 169.5290 154.8247
7762 2015-12-30 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 2.9765 23.26 46.64 27.00 57.98 93.77 167.7114 167.4101 169.4554 154.8933
7763 2015-12-31 3.398 1.3 106.491 NaN 5.9 6.1 10.0 1.0 -3.7 ... 2.9336 22.96 45.80 26.55 57.00 91.50 167.7430 167.4459 169.4835 154.8913

5 rows × 45 columns

In [25]:
1947-06-30 00:00:00
2002-01-04 00:00:00
In [3]:
X_train_original["IsInY1"] = np.nan
X_train_original["IsInY2"] = np.nan
X_train_original["IsInY3"] = np.nan

for i in X_train_original.index:
    Current_Index = X_train_original.loc[i, '指标名称']
    X_train_original.loc[i, "IsInY1"] = np.any(y1_train.iloc[:, 0] == X_train_original.iloc[i,0])
    X_train_original.loc[i, "IsInY2"] = np.any(y2_train.iloc[:, 0] == X_train_original.iloc[i,0])
    X_train_original.loc[i, "IsInY3"] = np.any(y3_train.iloc[:, 0] == X_train_original.iloc[i,0])
In [67]:
print("Y1", int(X_train_original["IsInY1"].values.astype("int").sum()), "/", X_train_original.shape[0])
print("Y2", int(X_train_original["IsInY2"].values.astype("int").sum()), "/", X_train_original.shape[0])
print("Y3", int(X_train_original["IsInY3"].values.astype("int").sum()), "/", X_train_original.shape[0])
Y1 3392 / 7764
Y2 3494 / 7764
Y3 2822 / 7764

Look at only Y1 now

Make X1_train

In [4]:
# Drop some rows
X1_train = X_train_original.drop(np.where(np.logical_not(X_train_original.loc[:, "IsInY1"]))[0], axis=0)
In [5]:
# Find out which columns only have NaNs: Count number of NaNs in each column

# Drop anything that has greater than 100 NaNs
count_NaNs = X1_train.isnull().sum()
drop_columns = count_NaNs.loc[count_NaNs >100].index
X1_train = X1_train.drop(drop_columns, axis=1)
In [6]:
# Fill the NaNs
X1_train = X1_train.fillna(method='ffill')
In [102]:
np.all([x == y for x, y in zip(X1_train.iloc[:,0],y1_train.iloc[:,0])]) # there is 1 to 1 correpsondence in X1_train, y1_train
(3392, 14)
(3392, 2)
In [41]:
# Save cleaned data
X1_train.drop(["IsInY1","IsInY2","IsInY3"], inplace=True, axis=1)
X1_train.to_csv("./data/Cleaned_X1_序列_train.csv", index=False, encoding='utf-8')
In [3]:
# Load data for next session
X1_train = pd.read_csv("./data/Cleaned_X1_序列_train.csv", encoding="utf", engine='python')
headers = [u'指标名称', u'中债国债到期收益率:3个月', u'中债国债到期收益率:1个月', u'中债国债到期收益率:1年',
       u'中债国债到期收益率:5年', u'中债国债到期收益率:10年', u'上证综合指数', u'沪深300指数', u'中债总指数',
       u'中债国债总指数', u'中债金融债券总指数']
In [141]:
# Find out if dates are even 
dates = np.asarray([matplotlib.dates.date2num( for i in X1_train["指标名称"]]) # convert to num first

intervals = np.diff(dates)
print(np.unique(intervals)) # dates are not even intervals. Most of the data is continuous
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,3))
sns.distplot(intervals, kde=False, bins = np.unique(intervals))
[ 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  8.  9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 17.]
In [4]:
# Combine data for ease of plotting
df = X1_train.copy()
df["Y"] = y1_train.iloc[:, 1]
In [44]:
# Do some histogram plots for the features
df.hist(bins=50, figsize=(20,15))
# Fix some font issues with Chinese titles in pandas
SetFont(axes, plt.gcf(), fontsize=8, fontname='c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc', items=["title"])
[ax.set_title(ax.get_title(), fontproperties=fontprop) for ax in plt.gcf().axes]
In [48]:
# Plot as time series
axes= df.plot(x="指标名称", kind='line', subplots=True, grid=True, layout=(4, 3), figsize=(10,10))
SetFont(axes, plt.gcf(), fontsize=8, fontname='c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc', items=["legend", "xlab"])
In [10]:
# A lot of features seems to be higly correlated. Do a correlation matrix
from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
sns.set_style(style="white", rc=None)
# do correlation those columns
headers = [u'中债国债到期收益率:3个月',u'中债国债到期收益率:10年', u'沪深300指数', u'中债总指数']
axes= scatter_matrix(df[headers], figsize=(9,9))
SetFont(axes, plt.gcf(), fontsize=10, fontname='c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc', items=["ylab", "xlab"])

Ideas for forecasting this time series with 4 selected features

  • Can also do dimensionality reduction on the 10 features and select the first 4 PCs to train (perhaps for later)
  • Simple ARIMA model for forecasting
  • XGBoost with regression
  • Deep neural network using RNN / (GRD / LSTM)

XGBoost regression

In [38]:
# Taking only these features
headers = [u'中债国债到期收益率:3个月',u'中债国债到期收益率:10年', u'沪深300指数', u'中债总指数']
df_sub = df[headers]
X1_train_mat = np.asarray(df_sub)
y1_train_mat = np.asarray(df["Y"])
In [45]:
# Separating data into X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val
from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit
tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=50) # for 10 folds of crossvalidation
In [48]:
# Start with a simple xgboost, ignoring the time information and see what it does
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
accuracy_scores_list = []
xgb_reg = XGBRegressor()
for epoch, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(tscv.split(X1_train_mat)):
    # Get data
    X_train, X_test = X1_train_mat[train_index], X1_train_mat[test_index]
    y_train, y_test = y1_train_mat[train_index], y1_train_mat[test_index]
    # Train the XGBoost, y_train)
    y_pred = xgb_reg.predict(X_test)
    acs = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
    #print("RMSE:", acs)

[0.05574110536573941, 0.016619024135980067, 0.033881089297445995, 0.013101490564228898, 0.007774167837661698, 0.008569569113488041, 0.005166861410345484, 0.007832514961462039, 0.10005812582163125, 0.058317227561839116, 0.2211929768332808, 0.014995624191141943, 0.008868785821808294, 0.008205008667429285, 0.00576499377245283, 0.00802906259572069, 1.2052946434474727, 0.8126311930967228, 0.15654579347225767, 1.750743392239421, 0.044947404216504394, 0.21488408349684798, 0.2582022184042565, 0.042088168768110695, 0.026614885513594116, 0.01723346169905295, 0.008961623272351706, 0.005099523525062128, 0.00442548052878379, 0.017016211342525782, 0.009355822744739896, 0.0065087937224623344, 0.004312519221825024, 0.013912412268863143, 0.01962128467142125, 0.02687753017935029, 0.019629388004812065, 0.01798221459584771, 0.015101587288185747, 0.01878468314918182, 0.017443180140183975, 0.019159339317003296, 0.018499472288233895, 0.02056343811438474, 0.012219307694427372, 0.016117898906048884, 0.0048321426922448155, 0.03204277687340917, 0.011639229400366083, 0.005903663363517704]
In [110]:
In [51]:
import xgboost as xgb
In [59]:
# Plot prediction vs. actual data
y1_pred_all = xgb_reg.predict(X1_train_mat)

plt.plot_date(X1_train[u'指标名称'], y1_train_mat, color='#1f77b4', label="original")
plt.plot_date(X1_train[u'指标名称'], y_pred_all, color='#ff7f0e', label="predicted", alpha=0.2)
In [70]:
# Make predictions using the trained XGBoost Regressor
X1_test = X_test_original[[u'指标名称'] + headers]
# has some missing data. Need to later fit with spline
指标名称               0
中债国债到期收益率:3个月    259
中债国债到期收益率:10年    259
沪深300指数          275
中债总指数            260
dtype: int64
In [84]:
# Fit the features with spline
X1_test_filled = X1_test.copy()
X1_test_filled[headers] = X1_test_filled[headers].interpolate(method="cubic", axis=0)

X1_test_filled[headers] =X1_test_filled[headers].fillna(axis=0, method="bfill")
X1_test_filled[headers] =X1_test_filled[headers].fillna(axis=0, method="ffill")
In [87]:
# Plot as time series
axes= X1_test.plot(x="指标名称", kind='line', subplots=True, grid=True, layout=(4, 3), figsize=(10,10))
SetFont(axes, plt.gcf(), fontsize=8, fontname='c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc', items=["legend", "xlab"])

axes= X1_test_filled.plot(x="指标名称", kind='line', subplots=True, grid=True, layout=(4, 3), figsize=(10,10))
SetFont(axes, plt.gcf(), fontsize=8, fontname='c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc', items=["legend", "xlab"])
In [96]:
X1_test_filled_mat = np.asarray(X1_test_filled[headers])
Y1_pred = xgb_reg.predict(X1_test_filled_mat)
In [109]:
plt.plot_date(X1_test_filled["指标名称"], Y1_pred)
plt.savefig("./results/Y1_prediction_XGBoostReg.png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
In [98]:
# Writing the Y1 prediction to csv
Y1_pred_df = pd.DataFrame({"Date":X1_test_filled["指标名称"], "Y1":Y1_pred})
Y1_pred_df.to_csv("./results/Y1_prediction_XGBoostReg.csv", index=False, sep="\t")
In [112]:
# save the model
import pickle
pickle.dump(xgb_reg, open("./results/XGBoostReg_y1.model", "wb"))

#loaded_model = pickle.load(open("./results/XGBoostReg_y1.model", "rb"))